Ellipse Frax Skin Treatment
As we age, certain things happen to our skin. We get more uneven pigmentation, age spots develop, and we gain fine lines and wrinkles. But help is at hand.
Frax 1550 will slow down and even reverse the visible signs of skin aging, removing the age spots and leaving the skin looking fresher and less wrinkled. Even better, there is no significant down time – you can have a treatment and resume your day immediately.
The FRAX 1550 laser has very few side effects, less downtime than ablative lasers, and is specific for addressing:
Non-ablative skin resurfacing (including but not limited to treatment of skin texture, fine lines and wrinkles)
Treatment of pink or purple striae (stretch marks)
Treatment of acne scars, ice-pick scars, rolling scars, boxcar scars, atrophic or hypertrophic scars.
Treatment of surgical or trauma scars
Treatment of improving and repairing sun damage
Treatment of minimising age spots
This Frax 1550 laser treatment can be done in conjunction with Botulinum toxin, dermal fillers, PDO threads or PRP sessions.
How does the Frax treatment work?
Frax 1550nm laser treatment works by creating very small, very controlled islands of heat damage, surrounded by healthy normal skin. When the body repairs this controlled damage, collagen in the whole of the treated area is replaced, reducing those fine lines, and leaving the skin fresher.
At the same time, the surface of the skin is renewed, improving the pigment. Research has shown that a combination treatment using narrowband light (SWT® technology) followed by the Frax 1550 produces an even better result with less treatments.
Which problems can be treated?
Let’s be clear, Frax 1550 treatment is not going to remove those deep “active” wrinkles. But it will reduce those fine lines (those caused by the sun, especially those around the eyes and lips, respond the best), deal with your pigment issues and improve pore size. It is never too late or too early to treat wrinkles once they are formed, after all prevention is better than cure. The treatment used preprogrammed settings for different skin types that deliver the correct energy output for your complexion. Treatment is not limited to the face alone, so it is possible to treat damage on, for example, neck, chest and arms.
How long does a treatment take?
Frax 1550 treatment normally involves the use of a local numbing cream, which is normally applied 30-40 minutes before treatment. Typically, the treatment procedure itself takes from 15-45 minutes, depending on the size of the area to be treated.
Do I need to take special precautions before the treatment?
It is important to avoid solarium and self-tanning products before and during the treatment period. It is possible to treat tanned skin, but reduce sun-exposure prior to treatment, otherwise the treatment will be less effective and less comfortable. You will get maximum results if you use a normal moisturising cream before and after treatment. Talk to your doctor if you are prone to acne outbreaks or cold sores.
Is there any downtime?
The huge advantage of non-ablative laser resurfacing, contrary to ablative resurfacing, is that there is a minimal, if any post-recovery period. In other words low risk and rapid recovery. Patients can apply mineral makeup and return to normal daily life immediately following treatment. After treatment, you should avoid sun exposure for 30 days, or use sun protection (minimum SPF 30) if sun exposure cannot be avoided. There may be some redness post treatment, but this subsides within a few minutes following the treatment.
How many treatments do I need?
Typically, you will be offered a course of four treatments, but if you are darker-skinned, your doctor may decide to offer a longer course of gentler treatments. Multiple sessions can be done to maintain results and to continually boost collagen production.
Does the treatment hurt?
Treatment may be a little uncomfortable but to ensure optimal comfort, topical local anaesthetic is applied to the treated area prior to treatment. The Frax 1550 Laser uses SoftCool™ cooling; cool damp air is played onto the patient skin at the point of treatment, increasing comfort. After this wears off you will have a few hours where the skin feels as if you have a light sunburn.
Before and After