Sun Damaged Skin Treatment
Our skin ages due to sun exposure and decreased production of collagen. We offer a Photo Rejuvenation treatment to remove age spots, diffuse redness, Rosacea, Poikiloderma of Civatte and uneven pigmentation on the face and body and to help you keep a younger and fresher look.
Everybody loves the sunshine! It’s good for the soul and the immediate effect it has on the skin such as a tan and healthy glow are much desired. However, in the long term sun exposure decreases the production of collagen and leads to uneven pigmentation, redness and a lack of firmness.
This is a quick and simple treatment that does not interfere with your normal daily routine and currently offers the best anti-ageing skin treatment around.
How does the treatment work?
The treatment of sun-damaged skin makes your skin look smoother by removing age spots, other uneven pigmentation and diffuse redness. Your skin texture is also improved, and many women report that it becomes easier to apply makeup. Facial treatments are most popular, but all parts of the body can be treated.
To do this, short, safe bursts of visible light produced by the Nordlys Laser with a SWTTM system is carefully controlled to produce the correct pulse length and right amount of energy to destroy the targets without damaging surrounding tissue, providing skin rejuvenation. The system filters the light to ensure the wavelengths used are absorbed by haemoglobin in the fine blood vessels and melanin in the age spots. When cells containing a lot of melanin or haemoglobin are treated, the target heats up and is destroyed within a few thousandths of one second.
Can I be treated?
Treatments are most efficient in patients with light skin who are not suntanned at the time of the treatment. If your skin is less tanned, the contrast between the age spots/blood vessels and background colour of the skin is greater, making treatment easier. However, we have pre-programmed settings for different skin types that deliver the correct energy output for your complexion.
How long does the treatment take?
A full-face treatment takes less than 20 minutes. You should see an improvement after the first treatment, but four treatments may be required to achieve the full effect.
Does the treatment hurt?
No anaesthetics are required, and many patients describe the treatment as practically pain-free, like a flick from a rubber band followed by a sensation similar to the feeling of gentle warmth after a day on the beach.
Do I need to take special precautions?
The light used is completely safe, visible light. It is, however, important to avoid tanning (sun, solarium or self-tanning products) before and during the treatment period. Otherwise your tanned skin will absorb more light, which makes treatment less effective and less comfortable. Generally, no special care is necessary after treatment, but people with sensitive skin may benefit from applying a cold compress (a cold damp cloth) to the face immediately after treatment or from using an ointment prescribed by the doctor. After treatment, you should avoid sun exposure for 30 days, even if there is no sign of inflammation in the treated area. Use a broad spectrum SPF 50 to protect against UVA and UVB rays.
What can I expect?
You may notice that the skin looks a little “dirty” for a few days following treatment. After that you will find that your skin looks smoother and fresher. You might choose to have 1-2 annual maintenance treatments in order to keep your youthful appearance.
Photo Rejuvenation - Before and After

Difuss Redness - Before and After

Rosacea - Before and After