Leg Treatments
Shirley’s Beauty Clinic offers Nd YAG Laser treatments of dilated leg veins and other vascular lesions which cannot be removed by IPL.
Vascular lesions are normal veins that have dilated under the influence of increased venous pressure. Whereas classical IPL works for certain smaller leg veins, it is generally accepted that Nd:YAG technology is much more effective than IPL for the majority of leg veins.
The Ellipse Nd:YAG is also ideal for facial telangiectasias (broken capillaries); especially around the nose, where it can be difficult to apply the light guide of the IPL applicators. Venous Lakes are easily treated due to the round spot size of the Nd:YAG and the Nd:YAG is furthermore CE-cleared for clearance of those Port Wine Stains & Cherry Angiomas, which are resistant to IPL or Pulsed Dye Lasers.
What are my treatment options?
As we age, valves in our leg veins become less efficient, so less blood is pumped back from the legs. This means blood vessels in our legs become larger, darker and more visible. In severe cases, varicose veins may form, and may require surgical treatment (vein stripping). Other vessels can be treated by injection (sclerotherapy). Smaller vessels (leg telangiectasias) are often treated by laser, such as the Nd:YAG 1064 laser.
How does the laser treatment work?
Leg vein treatment uses a precisely calculated pulse of laser energy, exactly directed to the vessel being treated. This causes the blood inside the vessel to heat up; causing the wall of the vessel to collapse. The vessel is reabsorbed naturally by your white blood cells. The skin surrounding the vessel is not affected by the treatment.
Can I be treated?
This depends on the size of your leg vessels, and also on your medical history. Your doctor can advise if your vessels are too large for treatment or if you have one of the few pre-existing medical conditions that may make you unsuitable for this type of treatment.
Does the treatment hurt?
Our laser leg vein treatment uses the latest in cooling techniques – SoftCool™ – to minimise discomfort and protect the surrounding skin. Most people find that treatment of smaller vessels is practically pain-free. Even treatment of larger vessels is only mildly uncomfortable. The results are worth it. Afterwards there may be cat scratching/red raised scratches.
Do I need to take special precautions?
Avoid sun exposure in the four weeks up to treatment; and avoid smoking in the four hours before the treatment starts (smoking causes the vessels to constrict, so there is less of the target available to treat). After treatment, you should avoid sun exposure for 30 days, even if there is no sign of inflammation in the treated area. Use sun protection (minimum SPF 30) if sun exposure cannot be avoided.
What can I expect after treatment?
Smaller vessels can disappear immediately after treatment, larger ones fade away more gradually over the next few weeks. Normally patients experience a little redness and/or swelling (lasting up to 2 days) in the treated area. Rarely, blood may collect in the treated vessel. In this case your doctor will most likely request that you call back two days after your treatment.
How many treatments will I need?
This depends on number of vessels to be treated. A single treatment is typical for most individual vessels, though some larger ones may need a second treatment. Your doctor will be able to make a more accurate assessment following examination.
Before and After