Medical Micropigmentation
Medical micropigmentation and medical tattooing treatments have a huge impact on how you feel - mentally and physically. They provide a solution for skin traumas or areas of imperfection, offering visual enhancement and a long-lasting colour repair. From areola and nipple reconstruction, to reducing the appearance of scars, vitiligo re-pigmentation the results are tailored, natural-looking and simple to achieve.
These medical micropigmentation treatments have been developed to complement the needs of real patients whilst working closely with reconstructive surgeons, and dermatologists, so you’re in the right place to get the most pioneering treatments in a clinical, safe environment.
All pigments used in our treatments meet the requirements of the European Directive of 2008 on tattoo and permanent makeup pigments.
Areola tattooing
Treatments can reconstruct the nipple and areola after a breast operation such as a mastectomy, uplift, reduction or gynecomastia surgery. For gender reassignment, it can help feminise the areolae, giving you the look you were born to have.
Areola reconstruction and repair through medical micro pigmentation is a well-researched and highly-specialised service. We’ve developed our treatments over many years and as a result they are all safe, effective and entirely tailored to your unique situation.
Breast reconstruction after mastectomy
For clients who have experienced breast cancer and mastectomy, Shirley can combine artistic know-how and cutting-edge technique to help you reclaim your confidence by creating the appearance of a natural looking areola and 3D nipple complex, to complete your breast reconstruction and helping you feel like yourself again.
After breast reduction or uplift surgery
Experience has taught us that scarring is your greatest concern following breast surgery - so we’ve developed specific techniques for minimising the appearance of breast scars. And we’re able to improve areolae irregularities, restoring them to a natural shape and symmetry.
Enlargement and defining of the areolae:
For men and women whose areolae are too pale, without definition, too small or asymmetrical, our treatments can help you achieve a balanced shape, enhanced colour and incredibly natural definition.
Pre and post gender reassignment surgery:
An ideal treatment for gender reassignment, helping either to feminise the areolae or creating a new areola and nipple complex. It helps give you the look you were born to have.
Following gynecomastia surgery:
This condition is more common than you’d think. After surgery, we can help camouflage scarring and repair your areolae, so restoring your confidence.
How long will it take?
Areola tattooing typically takes two sessions this includes the initial treatment and a complementary touch up a month later and your appointments may take up to two hours. Camouflaging of breast scars generally takes 2-4 sessions and about an hour to treat.
What happens during the consultation?
A Medical Consultation costs €75 and this comes off your treatment price.
We’ll chat through exactly what you’d like the end result to be. This will include looking at your areola shape, size, placement and colourings. Then Shirley will ‘pre-draw’ the areola and nipple complex using temporary markers and perfectly match the pigment shades to your skin. This is to make sure the correct style and colours are chosen and the finished result is as natural as possible.
What will happen during treatment?
Shirley will skilfully infuse the colour into your skin while carefully tracing over the pre-drawn template that you’ve chosen.
Will it hurt?
We want you to be completely comfortable during the treatment.
Shirley will apply numbing cream to your treatment area prior to the treatment.
The area will go almost completely numb, so you’ll hardly feel any sensation of pain from the needle.
The needles we use are made from the stainless steel typically used for medical implants. Each tip will smoothly penetrate the skin with minimal discomfort because the needles are silver-soldered together and prevent the configurations from spreading apart.
Shirley will check with you regularly to make sure that you are comfortable and in no discomfort.
Most people we talk to are naturally a little apprehensive or nervous about getting their eyebrows, lips, eyeliner or medical micro pigmentation done, because of fear of any discomfort or pain. All of our treatments are safe and performed by Shirley who is in the beauty industry for over 20 years.
The method we use to perform the treatment does not penetrate as deeply as a body tattoo, which means the treatment is far less painful.
Most clients say it is very minimal pain, as such it is like a little tweezing.
Will I be able to go back to work straight afterwards?
Yes, you can go back to work. Typically the area around your treatment may be slightly red for 36 hours and we apply a sterile dressing, which you wear under your clothes for up to 5 days.
Do you provide aftercare?
The enhancement will take 1 week to 10 days to heal and you will then be able to see the healed colour as the it will lighten 40%. You will be provided with a skin jelly sachet to protect the enhancement and soothe and speed up the healing. There is very little disturbance on the skin, it can be a little red for up to 36 hours.
Aftercare products and leaflets are included with the treatment, ensuring the healing process is simple and easy.
Initially your new enhancement may seem darker and thicker than you were expecting, but again this is normal. As time goes on the exposed pigment will soften and lighten as to how we initially planned as the top layer will begin to ‘fade away’ after a week.
Generally, after a month you will come back to the clinic to visit Shirley to ensure you are completely satisfied. This visit is for a touch up treatment during which Shirley will go over the enhancement to make any necessary changes.
This is all included within the original price of €295 and this Discounted price is to make it available to everyone and anyone and to prevent patients in having to go on a 2 year waiting list.
Scar camouflage
Pigments are carefully blended with your skin tone to diminish the appearance of scars. The texture of your scars can also be smoothed using micro-needling, which stimulates the body’s natural healing process, leaving scarring flatter and less visible.
Extraordinarily effective and very safe, our treatments can improve the appearance and irregular texture of scarring.
Using prescriptive colours and the highest-quality equipment, Shirley can skilfully infuse medical pigments into your scar tissue to gradually blend it away.
Shirley can also smooth and relax the texture of scars by using digital needling to generate micro-trauma to the skin. This stimulates the body’s wound-healing response, leaving your scars more even and less taut.
Is my scarring suitable for treatment?
Not all scarring can benefit from scar camouflage treatments. For best results scars should be:
At least 1 year old
Not show redness
Paler than the surrounding skin
Not noticeably sunken
Our pigments conform to the European Directive on Permanent Makeup and Tattoo Pigments 2008 and meet all licensing standards.
What will happen during my consultation?
Shirley will carefully analyse your scarring to see if digital-needling will benefit you. We also evaluate your natural colouring and may need to out carry out 1 or 2 microscopic ‘colour-match’ tests in your scar. These test areas develop over a month giving a realistic impression of how the scar will look long-term. This ensures that the correct colours are chosen for you and the finished result is exactly what you want.
How long will treatment take?
Each treatment session takes about 60-90 minutes and typically multiple sessions are required.
What will happen during my treatment?
For digital-needling, we use an electronic device to stimulate the skin’s natural healing response. With scar camouflage we work with multiple blends of pigment to recreate the tonal variance of your skin colour. This colour is matched perfectly to your skin to look as natural as possible.
Anything I need to know before I begin treatment?
It’s crucial that your skin isn’t tanned at the time of the treatment. This is because the ‘prescriptive’ skin-shade pigments need to be blended to match your natural skin colour. If your tan fades, you’ll end up with a mismatch and your treated scar will look darker than the surrounding skin.
What about after treatment?
Our medical micro pigmentation treatments last on average between twelve and eighteen months. You may find that your semi-permanent makeup lasts longer than 18 months or you may find that you need more frequent touch ups to maintain the look, the results vary from person to person depending on many different circumstances.
The pigment colour: lighter shades will fade faster than darker shades
It’s important to keep sun exposure to a minimum once your scar has been camouflaged.
We recommend that you protect your skin from the sun. Use sun cream with a high SPF factor that protects against UVA & UVB rays and wear a hat or shade your face so as not to increase sun damage.
Environment and Hormonal Imbalances and medication can affect the fading process of the enhancements.
Let your skin heal completely – no picking or rubbing at the treated area, use balm provided.
Follow the aftercare guidelines to ensure you get the greatest results.
Keeping your skin healthy generally by staying hydrated will help the makeup pigment last and look great for longer.
Will it hurt?
Shirley will apply numbing cream to your treatment area prior to the treatment.
The area will go almost completely numb, so you’ll hardly feel any sensation of pain from the needle.
The needles we use are made from the stainless steel typically used for medical implants. Each tip will smoothly penetrate the skin with minimal discomfort because the needles are silver-soldered together and prevent the configurations from spreading apart.
Shirley will check with you regularly to make sure that you are comfortable and in no discomfort.
Most people we talk to are naturally a little apprehensive or nervous about getting their eyebrows, lips, eyeliner or medical micro pigmentation done, because of fear of any discomfort or pain. All of our treatments are safe and performed by Shirley who is in the beauty industry for over 20 years.
The method we use to perform the treatment does not penetrate as deeply as a body tattoo, which means the treatment is far less painful.
Most clients say it is very minimal pain, as such it is like a little tweezing.
Will I be able to go back to work straight afterwards?
Yes, typically the area around your treatment may be slightly red for up to 72 hours, but that should be the only after-effect.
Do you provide aftercare?
Yes, complimentary aftercare products and leaflets are included with the treatment, ensuring the healing process is simple and easy.
Before and After